Stitch Fix for Chemo Patients

Stitch Fix for Chemo Patients

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If you have to get poison pumped into you each week, you might as well dress cute and comfy for it, right?

Last month I went on line and was going to reschedule my 8th Stitch Fix, which was set to come in December. (More details from my past fixes can be found here.) I don’t go out of the house much and just wear comfy clothes around the house most of the time. Because of that, I really didn’t need anything new. But instead of canceling, I decided to write a note to my stylist, letting her know I was going through chemo and asking her to select really comfy and soft clothes for this next fix.

I’m so glad I did!


Chemo Round 4

Yesterday I went in for my labs and my port worked on the first try!  Woohoo!!  So thankful for that!

After my labs were drawn, we (Tom, my Dad and I) went over to see Dr. Leung, my oncologist.  He feels the tumors are softening around the edges still, but they have not decreased in size yet.

He asked about new side effects and I told him about the peripheral neuropathy (tingling in my fingers and toes and one day in my right arm).  He is concerned about this, as it is not a very common side effect for the meds I’m on right now, but when we switch meds in a few weeks, it is a very common side effect.  So he mentioned the possibility of slowing down those treatments/doses (once a week for 12 weeks instead of every other week for 8 weeks).  He said that could lessen the chance of permanent nerve damage from the medicine.  So we are waiting to see what my body does this round of treatment and then will decide in the next two weeks which route to go.

That’s about it from yesterday . . .


Bring on the Chemo (round 3)

Bring on the Chemo (round 3)

It’s really discouraging when you wake up in the morning feeling great, but know you are headed to the infusion center to get medicine which you know will make you sick. 🙁

But I went anyways!  Bring on the poison and the date with my husband.  (Thanks Christy for that text asking me how were enjoying our date – Hahahahahahaha!)

Jayme, my sweet nurse who cracks me up the entire time we are there, makes the time pass quickly.  More on her later . . .

As the chemo is going in, things are pretty uneventful until about 20 minutes before we are done.  Then I started to get chemo head, or what feels like a fog in/around my head and I started to feel a little tired.  Right now (4 pm) my stomach is not sure what’s going on and is gurgling a lot.  So I’ll keep an eye on that with the nausea meds ready.  So tonight we sit and wait.  Fun . . .


Chemo Round 2, Day 2

Chemo Round 2, Day 2

Well, I’m exhausted.

That pretty much sums it up.

No food sounds good (even Tastykakes, which is so sad.). But I’m eating because I need to.

Laura drove me to Bible study this morning which was great.  :-).  Between what I’m learning in our study of creation and the fellowship with sweet friends, it was a perfect morning.

Tom picked me up and we headed back up to the Infusion Center for my white blood cell booster shot.  I enjoyed talking with some ladies in my room as I waited for the shot.  And thanks to Emily and a few nurses who suggested taking Claritin the day of and the day after the shot, I am not aching from the shot like I did last time.  Woohoo!  Who in the world figured out that Claritin would help with that?  I have no idea, but so far so good!!


Chemo Round 2, Day 2

Looking Ahead to the Next Round of Chemo

I know I haven’t posted in a few days.  But good news . . . nothing much to report.  I’m still feeling pretty good.  I get tired easily, can’t go back to sleep if I wake up early, am dealing with an infection of the feminine kind, have a headache, but that’s it.  Nothing exciting to share!  Yay!!

This weekend we enjoyed (well not really) trick-or-treating in the pouring rain with the girls.  Tom did a bunch of cleaning.  Christy and I purged a bunch of junk from the playroom and closets today.  And I’ve starting thinking about this next round of chemo coming on Wednesday.
