
It’s really discouraging when you wake up in the morning feeling great, but know you are headed to the infusion center to get medicine which you know will make you sick. 🙁

But I went anyways!  Bring on the poison and the date with my husband.  (Thanks Christy for that text asking me how were enjoying our date – Hahahahahahaha!)

Jayme, my sweet nurse who cracks me up the entire time we are there, makes the time pass quickly.  More on her later . . .

As the chemo is going in, things are pretty uneventful until about 20 minutes before we are done.  Then I started to get chemo head, or what feels like a fog in/around my head and I started to feel a little tired.  Right now (4 pm) my stomach is not sure what’s going on and is gurgling a lot.  So I’ll keep an eye on that with the nausea meds ready.  So tonight we sit and wait.  Fun . . .

On the upside, I was able to do some graphics work for my blog while sitting there this morning.  (See the cute new graphics for posts in the sidebar?)  That made the time pass by fast!

chemo round 3

Chemo round 3 with my hair on and a Carmel latte Tom ran and grabbed for me! I’m loving the wig!!

Thankful for another day, even if it means medicine that makes me sick, but is hopefully shrinking the cancer. 🙂

PS:  I decided to start posting on my Leaving Cancer Behind Facebook page.  It will in no way replace the blog or being notified when I post by email, but I want to be able to give quick updates during the day if needed.  If you do like the page, please choose how to be notified when I post so it doesn’t disappear from your newsfeed.  (More on how to do that here.)
