by Jennifer | Jun 6, 2016 | Blog |
I guess it’s better to be recovering, than waiting for a procedure, but I feel like surgery and recover (x3) is all I’ve done the past 2 months.
This recovery is by far the easiest of the 3. I was able to go to both church and the girls’ piano recital on Sunday. (The rest of the day I rested.)
by Jennifer | Jun 3, 2016 | Blog |
My oophorectomy went well today.
Isn’t that a great word, oophorectomy?
It’s so fun to say. Try it.
It makes me think of the Oompa Loompas from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and that makes me smile. 🙂
by Jennifer | May 11, 2016 | Blog |
The next month is going to be crazy, but might as well get it all over with before radiation starts. Along with the reconstruction surgery that is scheduled on May 18th, I will also be having my ovaries out on June 3rd. That’s a crazy weekend, but a better option than the next weekend which would leave me still recovering from surgery when I have to get my first bone strengthening infusion.
by Jennifer | Mar 25, 2016 | Blog |
I slept well last night and was at peace as we walked into the doctor’s office. (Although I did tear up as Tom and I prayed before we went into the office.) Thank you to everyone who was praying for this!
Talking with the Dr. this morning, he asked how I was doing. I told him about my cough that’s annoying and won’t go away. His response after listening to me breathe was, “I don’t think we need to treat it with antibiotics since your lungs didn’t show an infection and since your scan was good.”
“Wait. It was good? How good is good?”
“As good as we could have hoped for.”
Sigh of relief! Praise God!