Scanxiety 2.0

It’s that time of year again…time for a scan.  A PET scan to be exact.

I am so thankful I blogged throughout this journey, as I’ve been able to go back and see how I was feeling last year before my scan and remind myself that I did, in fact, survive Scanxiety 1.0 twelve months ago, and I’m sure I will survive Scanxiety 2.0 this week.

As I read back on what I was feeling a year ago, I am feeling pretty much the same way…anxious thoughts…pray…repeat…anxious thoughts….ouch my back is hurting again…pray…etc. (more…)


Scanxiety – (Noun) The feeling of terror and dread that one experiences as they await the results of a scan, once again faced with the possible return of cancer.


It’s a word I had never hear until about a year ago.

It’s real. Oh my…is it real.

Here’s how my days have gone the past few days…my mind starts worrying that the PET scan will light up like a Christmas tree, showing the cancer has returned…stop thinking that and remind myself that the Bible says not to worry, but to pray about everything.  And even if the cancer has returned, remember that God will be with us through whatever treatment is ahead. REPEAT.
