Chemo Day 1

Well, the day is finally here.  I slept well until about 4:40am.  Since then I have been praying, sobbing, praying, sobbing, etc.  The house is still quiet.  The tears have stopped and I’m feeling more at peace.  I pray the tears will stay away, at least while the girls are around.

Last night, our 10 year old said to me, “This is the last night you’ll sleep without Chemo.  That seems strange to me.”  I know it’s on her mind . . . not knowing what to expect.  But I’m thankful she slept well and is still sleeping. 🙂  I’m thankful all of us were able to get to sleep easily.  Thank you for praying specially for this.


Enjoying the last days of what I know as “normal”

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that on Wednesday, I start Chemo.

Over the weekend, we enjoyed time with friends and family in our home, I took the girls out to get pedicures, we went to church as a family, the girls went to a birthday party, we enjoyed time together and got frustrated at the kids because THEY DON’T STOP TALKING . . . you know . . . normal life as a family.

What’s not normal is the changing of the guard. . . Tom switching over to taking care of meals, bills, etc.  It’s funny how organized I thought I was with all our bills until I had to sit down and explain it (or attempt to) to him.  I offered to run to the store today since he was going to work, but he nicely said he needs to start doing things now so he can ask questions if he needs to.  For the past 20 years I have tried so hard to take things OFF his plate and support him and his career in any way I can.  He’s commented a few times that he only is where he is today in his job because of my support at home.  But now I am giving everything back.  That’s really hard.  I can tell he’s concerned about what the future looks like.  It’s killing me!
