Another Day

I haven’t written much lately, mostly because I’m afraid what I write will just come across as complaining.  I typed up my long list of complaints and frustrations and cried as I told my husband all of them.  He suggested I not post the list – lol – (which I was never planning on)  but it sure felt good to write it.

I know I’m struggling with depression.  There’s not much to look forward to, although I do see the end of chemo in sight and am very excited about that!  It’s not easy to get up every morning, not knowing how I’m going to feel and knowing that little things, like moving clothes from the washer to the dryer or untieing my shoes, will hurt.  I struggle to get past that.

I’m trying really hard to limit my time on Facebook (which is such a time waster for me) and instead trying to pick up a book, listen to music, read scripture, etc.
