
Thanks for praying for my scan this morning.  I slept well (with the exception of one coughing attack late last night).  I had no trouble with my blood sugar, my port was cooperative and they only had to redo one small part of the scan because I must have moved my nose.  Apparently in the scan she could see 3 noses.  Oops!

While I was waiting an hour for the radioactive stuff to move around my body, I read my Bible passages for the day (I’m reading through the Bible in a year) and listened to Pandora.  A couple songs that came on while I was sitting there resting were absolutely perfect and just what I needed.

I had never heard Jadon Lavik before, but what a great arrangement and sound!  I’m not always a fan of hymn rearrangements but this one is wonderful!  And what a message – Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in light of His glory and grace.  Wow!  (I cried.)
I needed to hear this, this morning.  (Plus, I just love the piano and the harmony (tenor and alto!!!!).  I definitely will be playing this for Tom and there will be time sitting around the piano singing this as soon as my voice comes back.  Although we’ll probably just sing it all in English.)  I cried when this one came on too.

And since I’m talking about crying, I cried during the scan as well.  I’m thinking that my sniffling from the few tears was probably what made me have 3 noses – lol.  Oh well.  What a joy it was to lay in silence, not being able to move or do anything and pray for many of you who came to mind.

God has truly blessed us with a community of family and friends (who are like family).  I’m so thankful God led us to Reseda Baptist, APU, Christ Community, Wild Rose, Eastridge, Taylor Creek, and Lake Wilderness.  🙂  Nothing is by mistake – the churches we have attended, the schools and colleges we’ve gone to, the classrooms our kids have been placed in, the neighborhood we live in, the jobs we have worked in, even the grocery store we shop at – nothing is by chance, but all part of God’s plan.

Thanks for walking this journey with us and praying.

So much to be thankful for . . .




