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What does it really mean to take our thoughts captive?  I have a lot of time on my hands these days as there are many days I don’t have a lot of energy to do much.  It’s so easy to let my mind wander . . .

2 Corinthians 10:5 talks about taking our thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ.  This verse comes up every few months in Bible Study, usually when my friend Amy is teaching.  (I can hear her voice in my head saying the verse and picture her speaking.) 🙂  When it came up again earlier this week as I was doing my devotions one morning, it hit me differently.  It had been a hard few days, as the days after chemo usually are.

This round, my body decided to shut down a bit and I dealt with severe constipation and fun issues that go with that.  While in agony, thinking the pain was worse than giving birth (well, I had an epidural so that’s probably why.  But seriously, if I have to deal with it again to that degree, I’m going to look into an epidural.  Just sayin . . .) this verse came to my mind.  What does it mean to take my thoughts captive when I’m in severe pain and discomfort, when I can’t focus on anything except the pain and wondering how and when it’s going to end?

I’m not sure I have an answer to that.

While in pain Tuesday night, a few scriptures came to my mind.  As fears crept in I sent them away.  I wondered if I did something to deserve this.  (I guess I have very dramatic thoughts when I’m in pain as I don’t usually think that way.)  I’m sure I’m being over dramatic about the whole situation and the days following, but it has made me think about this verse and how it applies to my cancer journey, whether it be during times of pain, sickness or worry.

I have a lot of time on my hands.  It’s so easy to let my mind wander, but yet this verse keeps coming into my head and reminding me to control my thoughts and make sure they obedient to Christ and are pure, lovely and commendable as Philippians 4:8 talks about.

That is much easier said than done when you are in pain as I found out this week!

So today, I’d like to ask you a question.  I know many of you have dealt with chronic pain, pain from surgeries, seen friends and family suffer, etc.  What do you during those really hard times to stay positive and help your mind stay where it should be?  Will you let me know in the comments below?

In other news . . .

I started having tingling in my hands and feet on Sunday.  It comes and goes.  However, because of that, my next chemo medicine will be given every week (on Wed.) for 3 months (instead of every other week for two months,) 🙁  This hopefully will prevent any permanent nerve damage.

I’m VERY sad about having to go every week, even though I know the dosage is smaller.  I have no idea what the side effects will be with this medication, so I’m a bit anxious about that.  Since we will be going every week, I’m going to have my labs done on the same day so we are not driving to the infusion center as often.  It will just make the days we are there longer.

The girls are busy with school and Tom with work.  This next week the girls are singing a few times and I hope to be doing well enough to go hear them.  (Back to the anxiousness about the new medicine . . .)

Specific things to pray for:

  • My body’s response to the new chemo meds I’ll be getting on Wednesday
  • Christmas break – fun time as a family, but also time for Tom to work
As always, thank you for praying with us and for all the help, emails and texts. 🙂  They mean so much!

So much to be thankful for . . .

PS:  If you are shopping on Amazon.com this Christmas season, would you use my affiliate link  to help me keep this blog online?  Thanks!  🙂

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