Hooray! Things are moving without too much pain. I could elaborate, but I don’t think that’s necessary!

The pain patches are working at the higher dose. I still have to take some oxy during the day, but not consistently. Our little trip away was hard on my body, so I might not need as many when I get home.

While I enjoyed our time away, it showed us that I am no longer able to travel overnight….even just 20 minutes away.

Let that sink in for a minute.

No more traveling overnight.

Sure, something could change in the future. But as it looks now, I’ll be staying home. Good thing I really like our house.

The biggest thing I need is my adjustable base bed, which I’ve mentioned before is kind of like a hospital bed. With cancer metastasis in so many bones, I just can’t sleep or sit in a regular bed. Tom went home and grabbed one of the back cushions the girls use to sit in bed, so I slept better last night using that.

I didn’t want to write about this stuff in the post about the house, because there’s nothing wrong with the bed at the house, it’s just my body. I wanted that to be a positive post and a place to leave good memories and leave the yuckiness and sadness for this post.

So emotionally, how am I doing? I’m doing ok. Just ok. The thought of not being able to travel anymore is just another thing I have to come to terms with in my mind. Covid is keeping us at home, but hopefully things will change with that soon. Even if I can’t travel, I would love for Tom and the girls to be able to go do something fun this summer. I don’t want them to be stuck at home just because I am.

For now I will focus on the good memories made the past couple days and be thankful for the generosity of friends that made it so just trip didn’t end up costing us anyting in the end. That was an amazing gift and wonderful surprise. ❤❤