It’s hard to believe it’s been a week and a half since we received the great news from my PET Scan.  🙂  I’ve been able to get the to gym and workout for a few weeks.  I’ve been out and about running errands.  I wish I could say my energy has totally returned, but I’m pretty exhausted by the end of the day.  I also keep waking up a few times during the night, which leaves me feeling tired when my alarm goes off.  (But today is the first day of Spring Break and it was nice to not set my alarm!!)  I have to take breaks regularly, when I used to never need to.  It’s frustrating, but I’m so thankful to be feeling good enough to get some stuff done around the house.  So I’ll take what I can get for now.

I survived a Cupcake Wars party with the girls and 5 of their friends.  It was a fun day and we all had so much fun.  But I’m glad it’s bed time and look forward to a quiet evening!

Surgery is 10 days away (April 14th).  I feel like there is so much happening between now and then that I’m not even thinking about it.  We are looking forward to some time as a family later this week.  Then Mom flies in on Monday and we are SO EXCITED to see her and spend time with her!  Plus there’s the day to day tasks of reading, practicing AWANA verses, practicing the piano, etc.  It’s those things that make me tired just thinking about them!!

Not much else to report from here, except that we’ve had some AMAZING SUNNY weather.  That’s not something I can usually report!