That past few days have gone by fast.  Thursday, I was feeling very tired and nauseous, but I just decided to push through as long as I could and get stuff done around the house and enjoy the last day we had with my Dad.  (He’s now on a train heading home.)

Friday, I woke up very fatigued and achy and ended up taking Tylenol PM in the early afternoon and slept most of the afternoon/evening and then all night.  It was much nicer to just sleep it off than lay in bed uncomfortable all day.  I was also a bit off balance and was moving very slowly when I was up (which was not much).

Saturday, today, it’s still early.  I’m light headed, weak and tired, but not as achy, so I’m thankful for that!!  The skin on the back of my shoulders and neck are very sore again.  Wish I knew what to do to relieve that pain. 🙁

I’m hoping today is just a restful day around the house as a family.  We have some new games to play and I’m hoping to be out of bed enough to enjoy our Christmas tree and decorations in the rest of the house!  But so far, I’ve just sat on the bed most of the day because I’m so dizzy when I get up.  I have been able to get through the pictures from our 10 day cruise and day at Disneyland and finally get them up on our family blog.  Yay!  Better late than never I guess!

It’s about 4:30 now and my skin on my upper body continues to hurt.  I’ve been out of the bedroom for a while though, and enjoying the fire in the family room.  I am going stir crazy from being in the house so much so we are going to try and go out to dinner just so I can get out the house.  Hoping to make it to church in the morning as well.

One day at a time . . .