While today started off really rough with nausea and throwing up, this afternoon and evening has been a little bit better. I’m very thankful for that. I’m feeling a little bit nauseous right now, but just took something for it about a half hour ago. I pray that will help.

I was able to eat a little bit for lunch and dinner and not feel sick afterwards. Praise God for that. I’m extremely weak and wobbly when I get out of bed, so I’ve been in bed most of the day. I got a week trial subscription to watch some Broadway musicals, so I watched three today and it was nice to have something fun and new to watch.

I messaged the doctor about throwing up and he agreed I should hold off on starting up the pill again till after I see him on Tuesday. I am thankful for that as well.

I love hearing my family interact in the other room, whether it’s cleaning, playing a video game, or just talking while everyone’s doing their own thing. I just love it. Currently there is a zoom call going on with the youth group, and I hear occasional laughter coming from Sage. I am so glad she is able to connect with friends that way.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I would ask you if you’re doing anything fun and different…but I guess I’ll just say enjoy being at home more.  Hey, the weather forecast here looks nice for the next week, so we can look forward to that.