I have great news to start off the weekend!! My PET Scan was clear and there is no sign of cancer! Praise God!
Before we left for the appointment, Tom and I prayed for the Lord’s will and that we would be able to accept whatever the outcome was from the test. We are thankful for the positive results and give Him all the glory!
I will have a CT scan in a year and will see the Dr. again in February. FEBRUARY!!!! Can you believe it???? I can’t!
I will still have my bone strengthening infusions every 3 months, but he agreed that my port could come out! Woohoo!!!! Supposedly that is an easy thing to remove in the surgeon’s office.
I guess that’s it for now. I hope to not have much to share for a very long time!
So glad to hear the good news! Praise God!!
So happy for you.. I can’t even imagine!!
Rejoicing with you!
Thanking God for answered prayers!!
Praising God with you!!!
Praying for the weight to be lifted from your shoulders and your hearts!
I’m so so so thankful for this good news for you and your precious family!! Thankful and happy prayers going up tonight!
Wonderful answer to our prayers for you. SO
happy for you and the family.
don’t forget…we’ll always be port sisters 🙂 ♥ I like that better than bc sisters, don’t you? 😉 sooooo happy for the news and sooooo grateful for His hand during this journey you’ve been on…February? that’s like 4 months from now, and I’m sure you never thought that day would come…so blessed you included us along with you on this journey; it really has been a great time to go with you, seeing God’s hand and waiting with you for His will to be revealed ♥ thank you, and it’s ok with me if you have “nothing to report” for awhile…
The best news EVER!! Celebrate
The best news EVER!! Celebrate!
Praising God for this wonderful news! I’m so happy for you and your family! Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers!
Praising God with you! This is a wonderful answer to prayer! What a Mighty God we serve!!!! He’s not done with you yet!
Rejoicing and praising our Lord! To Him be all glory and honor and praise!
Praise God Jennifer for this wonderful news! I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Love to all!
PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY!!! So happy and relieved for you all. xo
so happy to hear the news!! Praise God! xx