I’m so tired, so hopefully I can type well enough for a quick update….
My pain pump refill went really well last week. I had no extra pain. Praise God! I haven’t had to take any Oxy this past week (with the exception of yesterday). The pain pump and Fentanyl patches on my back and doing a good job of controlling my pain the majority of the time.
My hemoglobin was up on Monday, so the blood transfusion helped last week. Chemo went well on Monday.
I do have a few things I would love for you to pray for:
- Constipation issues – not sure what changed, but things are moving slowly even with all my extra tricks. I’m on to Magnesium Citrate which will work, it just makes me nauseous to drink it. I’m getting ready to drink it after I’m done typing this post. Yuck!
- When we drained my lung Friday night, the fluid was bloody instead of the normal clear chicken stock color. The oncologist said that happens sometimes and that we’ll keep an eye on it. It freaked us out, but glad it’s “normal”. (Not sure glad is the right word to use though.)
- I have some strange white bumps on the inside of my mouth. The dentist and the infusion nurse were not sure what to make of them. Nothing has changed in medicines that would cause it. Who knows. Right now, they don’t hurt. They are just annoying. The Dr. said to keep an eye on them. I’m using my steroid mouth wash. I don’t want them to get worse.
- I’m not sleeping well at night, even with a larger dose of a sleeping pill. It’s 7:17 pm and I think I could sleep now, but then would be up in the middle of the night for a long time. Please pray I can get a good night sleep.
- Bone scan is this Friday. I have to drive back and forth twice. (9 am and 12 pm) If you’d like to drive me one of those ways and chat on the way so Tom doesn’t have to do both, send me a text.
- CT next Friday
- Decisions after we get the scan results back.
That’s it for tonight and I didn’t fall asleep typing. Thanks for reading and for praying with us.
Sending you love and prayers, and I will text you! I am happy to drive you Friday morning at 9!
Love you!
Good to hear the latest and I’m thrilled that your pain is better managed. I will continue praying for your comfort, sleep, and the upcoming scan.
Much love!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers…
Speaking of thoughts…I’m wondering if using a straw to take your mag citrate…while holding your nose..might make it a little more “palatable”. (Whenever I have to drink something so distasteful, if I hold my nose(!!!)…and use a straw to help direct it straight to the back of my throat… it seems to go down more easily without the gagging. ( If you can’t smell it, it lessens the taste…plus ice/or refrigerator helps mitigate the taste…hold your nose ! It may not help, but it might!)
Thinking of you and sending all the love and light your way to help ease your pain.
Praying specifically for your requests. Tonight should be good sleep since you’ve had so little lately. And I thank Laura for answered prayer to help Tom carry the load (I had not read her email earlier). May God continue to bless you Jennifer. You are His sweet girl and He loves you so much.
Loving prayers always!
Always sending love and prayers!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers…
Speaking of thoughts…I’m wondering if using a straw to take your mag citrate…while holding your nose..might make it a little more “palatable”. (Whenever I have to drink something so distasteful, if I hold my nose(!!!)…and use a straw to help direct it straight to the back of my throat… it seems to go down more easily without the gagging. ( If you can’t smell it, it lessens the taste…plus ice/or refrigerator helps mitigate the taste…hold your nose ! It may not help, but it might!)
That is a good suggestion. I will try that next time! Thanks Nancy.
Praying, one simple word but it releases the power of God, the Word that created the Universe. Prayer for way more than your list of request that I just printed so I have it and and look at it. When Praying is said and followed up we have no way of understanding what is happening in Heaven and on Earth. Thank you Jesus.
Glad to read that positive things are happening along with the challenges. Praying that all of your concerns can be met with continued courage and strength and wisdom. May God fill you with His peace as He works in you and through you each day. HE IS YOUR ROCK!!! lOVE AND HUGS!
Jen, you are constantly in my prayers. May the God of all comfort be with you in the days ahead. Keep up the good fight! Love you!
Continuing to keep all of you in my prayers.