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6 days after mastectomy – I met with the plastic surgeon today.  He was able to remove one drain.  Having a drain pulled out from your body isn’t the most comfortable thing and under my arm is now really sore.  But I’m still glad it’s out.  That means I’m one step closer to being able to take a shower.  The second drain is still producing about 60ml a day and it needs to be below 30ml before it can be removed.  As soon as it drops to that point, I can call the office and go in. I managed to hide the drains enough to go out in public yesterday and today.  But the drain is annoying, especially because of this crazy warm weather we are having.  I was all prepared to hide it underneath sweatshirts and it’s way to hot for that. 🙁

I’m done with the Percocet and am just taking Tylenol for pain.  This means I’ll be taking Tylenol PM tonight before bed and hopefully be able to sleep.  Plus, it’s a little cooler tonight which should help.

The Dr. gave me the OK to ride a bike at the gym, so Mom drove me to do that this afternoon.  He said that exercise might help me sleep as well.

I can’t lift much more than a dinner plate without feeling my pectoral muscle, which I’m not supposed to be using.  So again, I’m so thankful for Mom’s help with laundry and cooking.  I’m stretching my arm up and around a few times a day so it doesn’t get too stiff.  There is a big part under my arm that is totally numb and will remain that way.  It feels very strange and irritating.  I guess I will get used to it, but for now, I will just complain about how it feels and about the annoying bandage under my arm.  That whole part of my body just feels traumatized and I never know if I’m going to move in a way I shouldn’t and get a sharp shooting pain.

The girls saw the drain coming out of my skin and my strangely shaped chest today.  Our 6 year old said it looks weird but was glad the cancer was gone.  Our 11 year old said it didn’t look as bad as she thought it would (and I agree).  This is a strange process to go through, especially with 3 daughters.  I pray they never have to go through this themselves!

My next Dr. appointment is on Monday morning with the surgeon.  At that appointment we should find out the pathology report from the surgery.  Until then, I’ll be resting, stretching and hopefully sleeping!

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