A friend asked the other day if I was still blogging or if she had missed the emails…nope. Just not blogging as much. I’m still here. 🙂

Unfortunately I’m struggling with pain right now.

My Dr. is calling the pain that I’m having a flare-up of side effects from the hormone blocking pill I’m taking (for the rest of my life…ugh…). He said sometimes that just happens and it’s hard to know what triggers it. Wish I knew because I would MAKE SURE to stop whatever is triggering this pain.

I’ve had this throbbing bone pain off and on for the past 4 days. It comes on at different times of the day. I woke up with it this morning. It went away after some Tylenol and a few hours and now it’s back (1:40 pm). It’s hard to push through it when I’m alone with the girls. Please pray they are in good moods after school and feel like doing homework, practicing the piano and working on AWANA verses AND that the pain will be gone again by then.

I go in for another infusion on Wednesday. I’ve been taking a baby aspirin every day, so I’m praying that helps with the clogging problem I keep having. I will keep you posted. 🙂

I’ve been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster lately, which I think is circumstantial, not medical. I’m sure many of you can relate…those times when you feel like you are failing in so many areas of your life…parenting, wifeing, etc. Add the onset of pain, which reminds me of this cancer journey I would rather not be on, some tears because…well…I don’t know. I’m just emotional.

That’s my life lately.

In other news, Tom’s restaurant group is doing a HUGE menu change tomorrow and along with that comes a new POS system, new menu boards, new website (which I was able to do – yay!), and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t know about. Life has been crazy for him and a bit more for me as I redesigned the website. The girls’ have had a lot of productions and concerts lately and those are finally done. This week I’m thankful for just piano lessons and AWANA. Maybe we’ll actually be able to relax a little in the evening after dinner.

Sorry if this post is a bit random…a little stream of consciousness writing for today I guess.