I’m eating a little more each each day. I’m about 50% food and 50% liquid for my diet right now. I had 2 visits to the infusion center this past week for fluids and might go once more this next week if I need it.

I’m still on the same pain medicine, although I’m now able to drink through the day with out needing a lot of lidocaine. It’s hit or miss what will sting my throat or will be hard to swallow, so I am trying a lot of things.

I’m very tired and weak and in bed a lot. Still praying my energy will return as I eat more food.

My brain in still in a fog from the pain meds. I know I’m pretty depressed, but with the foggy brain, don’t really care that I’m depressed. It’s a strange a feeling. I’m not quite sure how to explain it.

We love adding more difficult things to our life when things are already so hard…..this weeks adventure has been the corona virus. Tom’s work has been primarily focused on that this past week. He’s getting information early on which is helpful for his team as they make decisions. With that information, he is not panicking (he never does), but the the level of concern he has for me is very high. He has asked that I stay home as much as possible, even asking that if a Dr. appointment is not absolutely necessary to do in person, to try and do it over the phone. I am at high risk and Washington seems to be a petri dish for it right now.

Tom’s mom flew up today and will be staying with us for a bit to hang out and help. We are excited to have her up here. 🙂

Sorry for any typos…