Quick update…

I still have the chest tube in but there is not much air left in the cavity, which is good. The problem is, is there’s quite a bit of liquid coming out. I just had another thoracentesis and they drained 800 ml of liquid. It has only been 6 days since my last one. That means fluid is accumulating quicker. While they could take the tube out as I don’t need it to get air out, it would pull fluid with it and cause a problem.

So tonight the tube is still in and we are going to pray no liquid comes out for at least 72 hours. We are going to watch it closely and if it starts coming out we will measure it and get back to the doctor.

If it doesn’t leak fluid, the tube will come out Thursday. If it does…it’s a bit of a problem, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. God already knows and He has a plan ready to go.

Please pray no fluid comes out for at least 48 hours (which would be Wednesday evening)! If it does, please pray for wisdom as the Dr. decides on what to do next.