Well, I almost don’t know how to write this post because I actually have good news. I’m not used to getting to share good news.

I had my CT today and it went well. We got the results from the radiologist about 15 minutes after I got home which is so fast! We googled a little bit and it looked like it was good news, but were a little unsure. The doctor called at the end of his work day and I am happy to say I have good scan results!

The cancer spots in my bones look the same, but the spots on my lung have shrunk a tiny bit and there doesn’t appear to be a lot of fluid around my lung (but we just drained it a couple days ago).

This gives us hope that the current chemo is working as this is the first scan that has not shown cancer growth. Praise God!

We have no idea how long this chemo will work for, but for now it appears to be killing cancer!

We will get to see pictures of the scan on Friday at our appointment and can ask other questions then if we have any.

As you pray for our family tonight, praise God with us for this news and pray the chemo will continue to work!